We see it time and again… you feel that your child will benefit tremendously from a tutor, and a string of low test grades indicates there is a need to have the material re-explained in a way that makes sense to them. So why are some kids so resistant to the idea?

One of the things we really keep in mind at Walker is the psychology of our students—even those we haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet! The unfortunate truth is that our educational system focuses too heavily on “remedial” education. A low grade carries the implication that something needs to be “fixed.” The question is this: what?

The trouble is that students don’t cleanly separate two very different concepts: first, their knowledge level, and second, who they are as a person. For this reason, many hesitant students think that tutoring is designed to “fix” something about them, or to turn them into a person they aren’t. Teenagers, especially, are often leery of the idea of tutoring since it can be perceived as a loss of independence. And, as we all know, independence is something children and adolescents crave more than just about anything.

In their minds, tutoring means more work. It might represent less time to spend on what they really care about. And to them, it could mean that the adults in their life no longer trust them to get problems right or earn good grades on their own, so the idea of a tutor could feel like a small betrayal.

Of course, none of this is true. In reality, the service our tutors provide allows children to spend less time on difficult material. After all, it removes all the time spent on head-scratching and imperfect practice. That leaves students more fulfilled, engaged, and free to do what they’d like once their responsibilities are eliminated. And, most importantly, we teach our students how to be effective and independent as they walk the path to adulthood. Often, that involves having the confidence and maturity to ask for help when and if we need it.

It’s important for us to help your child gain a richer sense of who we are and what we do in our first sessions. Tutoring isn’t punishment. It’s assistance and mentorship. It’s not more school. In many cases, it’s a way to provide what many students think is missing from their education: namely, personalization, compassion, and lessons that make sense.

Take a look at our testimonials, and you’ll find not just satisfied parents, but satisfied students who look forward to their sessions and can speak about the benefits of tutoring in ways that are important to them. If you’re considering getting a tutor for your child but are only getting a lot of resistance and backlash, send us an email, and we’d be happy to tell you more about how we can break down some very common communication barriers.